Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jenny McCarthy on Autism - Cognitve Shift?

“Her story, her son’s journey with autism and her efforts to advocate and reach out to help families affected by autism should be commended,” said TACA Executive Director Lisa Ackerman. “We are extremely thankful and blessed to have such an outspoken friend to TACA and families affected by autism. Her efforts will help the autism community in so many ways.” - TACA

Fabulous Jenny McCarthy has taken on a worthy cause. She is using her celebrity as well as her personal experience to further the fight against autism. She claims her autisic son has "recovered" from his encounter with autism, but not exactly "cured." On Larry King's show, Jenny described the process, using the vivid analogy: "One is never cured of a car accident, but one can recover." Her son, once damaged by autism, has "recovered" his abilities and shows no more symptoms of the disorder.

So, is this an example of a cognitive shift? Being ignorant of autism (medicine not being my field), I've always thought of it as some kind of birth defect that proves permanent. But the disorder is much more complicated than that. Jenny and her son's experience shows that autism can be treated with education, not simply pharmacy (to oversimplify).

I've always admired Jenny McCarthy for her Madonna-like genius with reinvention as well as her multi-faceted talents. I'm one of those who adored her short-lived MTV series. I particularly remember one Grand Guignol sequence with a mess of rats being hysterical and gory. Now that she has taken up this righteous cause, I am doubly impressed with her as a human being. Not only did she take care of her son instead of sending him off to some expensive institution, but she was the active agent in his therapy and recovery. (This can be considered the pro-active and responsible act of a human being. Bravo!) Further, her success and affluence allows her to be the aggressive, pugnacious, belligerent bitch and bastard that a crusader needs to be.

I praise her personhood, her motherhood, and her cause. Her kid's got a good mom.

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey CALL TO FAMILIES to come to the Washington D.C. RALLY on June 4th, 2008.

A Note for the Misinformed: Jenny is not anti-vaccine. She is anti-toxins. She proposes better vaccines - vaccines with healthier contents. The propagandists will dismiss her simply as anti-vaccine.

Jenny McCarthy: My son's recovery from autism -

Generation Rescue - autism is reversible -

Talk About Curing Autism - TACA

Autism- wiki

Jenny McCarthy - wiki

Jenny on Oprah:

Autism - The Denial of Harm:

Jenny McCarthy Speaking on Autism 3/14/2008 - City TV:

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